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1- What is the constituent elements of alcohol?
2- Which is the wetstern most district in india ?
3- The script of which language was described as ‘the Queen of World Scripts’ by Vinoba Bhave?
4- Who is called as ‘the Father of the Atomic Age’ ?
5- Which Indian scientist’s autobiography is ‘Years of Pilgrimage’?
6- What is measured by using a tonometer?
7- Who was the first winner of the United Nations Human Rights Medal ?


1. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
2. Kucch ( Gujarat)
3. Kannada
4. Enrico Fermi
5. Raja Ramanna
6. Fluid pressure inside eyes
7. Nelson Mandela

Friday, November 9, 2012


Medicinal use

Raw Gooseberries
            In traditional Indian medicine, dried and fresh fruits of the plant are used. All parts of the plant are used in various Ayurvedic/Unani medicine (Jawarish amla) herbal preparations, including the fruit, seed, leaves, root, bark and flowers. According to Ayurveda, aamla fruit is sour (amla) and astringent (kashaya) in taste (rasa), with sweet (madhura), bitter (tikta) and pungent (katu) secondary tastes (anurasas) Its qualities (gunas) are light (laghu) and dry (ruksha), the postdigestive effect (vipaka) is sweet (madhura), and its energy (virya) is cooling (shita)
Indian Gooseberry( amla)
            According to Ayurveda, aamla balances all three doshas. While aamla is unusual in that it contains five out of the six tastes recognized by Ayurved, it is most important to recognize the effects of the "virya", or potency, and "vipaka", or post-digestive effect. Considered in this light, aamla is particularly helpful in reducing pitta due to its cooling energy and balances both Pitta and vata by virtue of its sweet taste. The kapha is balanced primarily due to its drying action. It may be used as a rasayana (rejuvenative) to promote longevity, and traditionally to enhance digestion (dipanapachana), treat constipation (anuloma), reduce fever (jvaraghna), purify the blood (raktaprasadana), reduce cough (kasahara), alleviate asthma (svasahara), strengthen the heart (hrdaya), benefit the eyes (chakshushya), stimulate hair growth (romasanjana), enliven the body (jivaniya), and enhance intellect (medhya)
           In Ayurvedic polyherbal formulations, Indian gooseberry is a common constituent, and most notably is the primary ingredient in an ancient herbal rasayana called Chyawanprash. This formula, which contains 43 herbal ingredients as well as clarified butter, sesame oil, sugar cane juice, and honey, was first mentioned in the Charaka Samhita as a premier rejuvenative compound

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