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1- What is the constituent elements of alcohol?
2- Which is the wetstern most district in india ?
3- The script of which language was described as ‘the Queen of World Scripts’ by Vinoba Bhave?
4- Who is called as ‘the Father of the Atomic Age’ ?
5- Which Indian scientist’s autobiography is ‘Years of Pilgrimage’?
6- What is measured by using a tonometer?
7- Who was the first winner of the United Nations Human Rights Medal ?


1. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
2. Kucch ( Gujarat)
3. Kannada
4. Enrico Fermi
5. Raja Ramanna
6. Fluid pressure inside eyes
7. Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Heart of Living

"Life never rturns the way we want. But we live it d best way we can. There's no perfect life, but we can Fill it with perfct moments''.....

"The purity of moon.!

The brightness of stars.!
The sweetnes of smile.!The music of heart.!
All with that life is wonderful 

"Easy to loose Someone By Saying a Lie."

"Difficult to Get Back that Person By Saying d truth."
Be Truthful
Live Beautifully.....

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