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1- What is the constituent elements of alcohol?
2- Which is the wetstern most district in india ?
3- The script of which language was described as ‘the Queen of World Scripts’ by Vinoba Bhave?
4- Who is called as ‘the Father of the Atomic Age’ ?
5- Which Indian scientist’s autobiography is ‘Years of Pilgrimage’?
6- What is measured by using a tonometer?
7- Who was the first winner of the United Nations Human Rights Medal ?


1. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
2. Kucch ( Gujarat)
3. Kannada
4. Enrico Fermi
5. Raja Ramanna
6. Fluid pressure inside eyes
7. Nelson Mandela

Monday, July 19, 2010


Farming was once the chief way of life in nearly every country. People cannot live without food, and nearly all their food comes from crops and animals raised on farms. Many other materials such as cotton and wool also come from plants and animals raised on farms. Not many people farm for a living any more, but farming remains the most important occupation in the world.
Prior to the twentieth century, the typical American family lived on a small farm. They raised hogs, cattle, sheep, chickens, and planted corn, fruits, garden vegetables, hay, and wheat. Everyone worked long and hard, but the results were often meager. Families barely harvested enough food for themselves. This situation began to change during the last half of the 1800's and it changed remarkably in the next century. iving any more, but farming remains the most important occupation in the world.

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